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Deploys Kubernetes on various providers. Deployments are for evaluation/experimental purpose (not production).

Behind the scenes this project uses:

Command line overview


  --help  Show this message and exit.

  backup        Backup the deployed environment
  build         Preconfigure a machine with all the...
  deploy        Claim resources from a PROVIDER and configure...
  destroy       Destroy the deployed environment
  g5k           Claim resources on Grid'5000 (frontend).
  hints         Give some hints on the deployment
  inventory     Generate the Ansible inventory [after g5k or...
  post_install  Post install the deployement
  prepare       Configure available resources [after deploy,...
  reset         Resets Kubernetes (see kspray doc)
  vagrant       Claim resources on vagrant (localhost).

Usage overview

Install the project:

virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install enos-kubernetes

Configure the Grid5000 REST API access:

echo '
username: MYLOGIN
password: MYPASSWORD
' > ~/.python-grid5000.yaml

Get a sample configuration file at:

wget https://gitlab.inria.fr/msimonin/enos-kubernetes/raw/master/conf.yaml

Deploy on g5k:

ek deploy g5k

Deploy on g5k using virtual machines:

ek deploy vmong5k

Build a base image on g5k:

ek build g5k

Build a base image on vmong5k with an alternative cluster:

ek build vmong5k --cluster=chetemi

This also can be used from python directly using the provided API:

# pseudo-code to deploy to g5k
from enos_kubernetes import tasks
